Hattie Jacques John Schofield

Hattie is played by Ruth Jones

Hattie is played by Ruth Jones

Ruth Jones as Hattie Jacques

Ruth Jones as Hattie Jacques

Aidan Turner stars in 'Hattie'

Aidan Turner stars in 'Hattie'

John Schofield. Hattie

John Schofield. Hattie

John Schofield. Hattie

John Schofield. Hattie

Aidan Turner as John Schofield

Aidan Turner as John Schofield

life of Hattie Jacques

life of Hattie Jacques

Treachery: John with second

Treachery: John with second

Hattie Jacques in the BBC's

Hattie Jacques in the BBC's

friend Hattie Jacques's

friend Hattie Jacques's

Hattie Jacques in Miss

Hattie Jacques in Miss

Hattie Jacques

Hattie Jacques

Hattie Jacques (left) and

Hattie Jacques (left) and

Publicity photo of Jacques in

Publicity photo of Jacques in

angles, she IS Hattie:

angles, she IS Hattie:

My mum Hattie Jacques

My mum Hattie Jacques

hattie Ruth Jones plays Hattie

hattie Ruth Jones plays Hattie

Hattie Jacques and Eric Sykes

Hattie Jacques and Eric Sykes

Carry On Loving: John Le

Carry On Loving: John Le

The Hattie triangle

The Hattie triangle

See Also